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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Update on recording gear

So I took the Korg NanoKontrol and NanoKey back to Guitar Center. They really aren't built very well for what they cost and would end up seeming like toys instead of real gear. So I did a lot, I mean A LOT, of research and hesitantly took a chance on another product made by Zoom.

My first foray with Zoom was their low end guitar multi-effects unit the G2. Hated it. But with the Zoom R24 Multi-track recorder, DAW interface and controller, I was really impressed!

It cost a little out of my initial comfort zone of around $300, but thanks to calling and asking for a discount at Musicians Friend, I got 15% off and only paid $424 of the $499 full price.

It arrived last week and yesterday was the first day I'd had the opportunity to dig in and work with it. I've spent the past week reading and reading to learn more about how to use it. Some great forums and videos out there on it, too, by the way. So in about 3 hours I had sequenced a drum track, bounced it to a stereo track, laid down acoustic guitar, bass and keys fairly easily. After a year of using the M-Audio C600 and Logic, not really "getting it", I couldn't believe I'd so easily laid down tracks that I could live with!

I was able to make a backing track for a song my step-daughter, Corey, wanted to use in a coming talent show called "Breakeven/Fast Car" by Colbie Caillat. Written by The Script & Tracy Chapman, respectively. It's a mash up, if you will, and a damn good one that's really fun to play!

Here's some video from YouTube of her and her friend playing it:

I'll post our version here when I'm done with it, maybe I'll even get some video of her performing it. For now it's just putting in the time with the Zoom R24 to master it well enough to get even more great results!

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