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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

NAD: Vox AC15CC1

 with the North Coast Music Fawn covering upgrade and Wharfedale Speaker.

She sparkles like the 60's "Beatle-esque" sound she should!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

NKD: KingKorg Synthesizer

Like owning 15 vintage synths in one. This thing is the real deal!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Aaron Sorkin

Sometimes I find myself sitting in front of the tv. I know, it sounds weird to say it, because so does almost every other American find themselves infront of the tv as well. But this is different. As I've posted earlier, we cut our cable almost two years ago, bought an Apple TV and choose our programming.

Last night my wife, Stacey, and I watched one of HBO's "the Newsroom" season 2 episodes. We loved season 1, and just started the second season. Tonight I'm watching the last remaining episodes of "Studio 60" that I never got to see back in 2006 when they cancelled it. 

It occurred to me "I really love Aaron Sorkin" or at least his writing. 

As any of you out there know, he is prolific. He is outspoken. He is "wordy". And he is fucking SMART"!

All hail the Sorkin! That is all!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I love this billboard campaign! Ukulele = Healthy! I couldn't agree more!

Yes, it's...another... NUD: Kala KA-ATP-CTG Solid Cedar/Acacia Slothead Tenor

I am proud to introduce the newest Uke to my collection: Kala KA-ATP-CTG Solid Cedar/Acacia Slothead Tenor. I ordered it from Mike McQueen at UkeRepublic, a wonderful bloke to work with!

Here is his video playing this wonderful uke:  UkeRebublic Demo of Kala Cedar/Acacia Slothead Tenor

I'm pretty sure I will love it. I can already feel there are "songs in there", you know that feeling you get with some instruments that seem to just make your fingers make beautiful music!? This one has it. I only hope my Kala Acacia Tenor doesn't get jealous when I play this one more for a while!

 As soon as I get the Southcoast Low G strings in and the U-300T preamp/pickup installed I'll make a recording and post!

 I can tell you this though: It's LOUD, it's easy to play with a wider string spacing than my KAT and a little bit fatter neck that feels great. It has a very "classical guitar" kind of sound and it lightly distorts (like my cedar topped Taylor GC5 guitar) when played hard, but in a really good 'burbley' compressed way. It's lighter weight but balanced, AND it's perfectly intonated up and down the neck. I've yet to find an off note (at least according to my ear, not as much the tuner). It has a sweet sound even with the Aquila Re-entrant strings on it and the NU-BONE tusq saddle and nut. (I may go with full on tusq or bone saddle when adding the pickup). Fit and finish is great as well. AND all for $250... it's a steal!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

NUD: New Ukulele Day! Fender Nohea Koa Tenor Uke

Since they came out I wanted one but glad I held out and got my Kala Acacia Tenor first. Love that Uke, but this little Fender Nohea caught my eye today at Guitar Center as I was shopping for another tenor size to keep in reentrant (high G) tuning. See, I enjoy playing my Kala with the low silver wound G. I think it's because I'm more of guitar player and enjoy using an alternating bass sound. BUT that said, I've known for a while now that I've been missing out on some of the classic Uke sounds by not having the reentrant style high G tuning on one.

Plus, I've fallen in love with this song by Svavar Knútur called "Baby, would you marry me?". LOVE IT! I've spent most of the day transcribing it for others to learn to play. A most fun little song!

Back to the Fender Nohea All Koa ukulele. They say "all koa" but I'm pretty sure it's laminated Koa. Still... sounds good to me and has a nice loud and brite sound. All for $199. not really that bad. PLUS it looks incredible with the Koa figuring, abalone and cream bound body and neck, and not to mention the TELECASTER style headstock... just too cool! Built amazingly well for something so affordable, intonated almost perfectly, too!